One of the leading helicopter operators — Russian Helicopter Systems (RHS) received and successfully tested the new specialized equipment that allows the safe transportation of Covid-19 and other infections patients.
A new isolation block was developed and produced by Russian specialists together with RHS’s engineering branch. The isolation block is equipped with autonomous filtering and recirculation system greatly reducing the risk of contamination of aircraft internal space with viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens, and, if necessary, allowing to isolate patients from possible infections from outside. A special two-mode system can slightly decrease the pressure to allow keeping the pathogens inside the block) or increase the pressure to keep the patient safe from outside pathogens.
The system can be deployed in less than 1 minute, be operated fully independent from external power sources, and is compatible with wide range of patient-supporting surfaces, including spinal shields and ambulance stretchers.
RHS crew, company’s technical personnel, and medics have conducted various tests that proved the safety and efficiency of the new system, as well as ease of use and maintenance of new equipment.
RHS is ready to offer the HEMS helicopters with the crews and the new Covid-19 protection equipment to the worldwide market.